Tuesday, July 30, 2013

1st Anniversary Date

Our trip to Destin was fabulous. It was uber relaxing and I was able to read "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris and brush up on my Taboo skills (ha!). Now, back to the grind!

Steve and I have been together a year. I can hardly believe it! Yet at the same time, it seems like it could be longer. Our relationship had developed so quickly that I feel like he is one of the few people in my life who really know and love and accept ALL of me. Like, seriously, even the scary stuff. He's one of my "people"--you know, like the Grey's anatomy reference. He can look at me and call me out for being a diva (which is rare--HA!) and can tell when I'm about to come undone before I even realize it. All of that being said, it's hard to believe it's only been a year and already we have that level of intimacy. I must say that God's really blessed me with a man like him. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. <3

Last night we decided to "celebrate" so we decided to cook a yummy (healthy!) dinner of salmon, corn on the cob, broccoli and a light salad. I really enjoy those nights were we can lounge on the couch and enjoy each other's company while eating the food we prepared together. (Okay, okay, so that may be an exaggeration. Anyone that knows us well, knows Steve does the cooking while I do the wine drinking and gabbing. I may slice and dice, but he does majority. Oops!)

After dinner we swapped gifts (I could hardly contain my excitement). Steve surprised me with a weekend in Dahlonega where we'll be drinking wine at the vineyards and staying at a cute B+B. (check it out)

I was a little obsessed with this wrapping paper. :)

I got Steve a bottle of American Spirit Whiskey (which I hear was pretty legit), a handsome catch-all from Pottery Barn and a watch box to match. He is a guy who loves his watches--most of which cost more than my Target timepiece. Ha! But he has a tendency of just throwing his wallet and watched on his nightstand--my mama taught me to take better care of my things! I thought these were all thoughtful and useful gifts. He seemed to like them!

It was a great night, simple and romantic. Just the way I like it. Cheers to many more moons with this fella. ;)

Friday, July 19, 2013

first post on blogger

bye bye tumblr. hello, blogger!

it was time to switch hosts, boys and girls. in an effort to have more of a conversation, i wanted a host where readers could leave comments (i'm hoping you'll participate--ha!). i'm still getting acquainted with blogger, so be patient with me. any help is appreciated!

see ya when i get back from destin!