Tuesday, November 26, 2013

On the brink...

Well, we've almost arrived. Thanksgiving is just 2 days away. Can we make it?

This week we surprisingly busy. I was assuming that these few days before Thanksgiving would be slow but boy was I wrong! Everyone seems to want to get their holiday orders in before the holiday so we've been slammed the past 2 days. I mean, I love it..because I need that commission for Christmas prezzies! :)

Speaking of which..I have barely even started! I have my sister figured out (and I won't release the details in the event she reads this...but she's gonna love it!) and I've got a few ideas for Steve...but otherwise, I'm completely empty handed. And have no idea what to get for the rest of the fam. Everyone should have Pinterest so I could stalk their boards to figure out what to get them! Haha. I actually created a board to give Steve some direction..to be honest, I had a hard time thinking of things to put on there! But I did figure some things out if you wanna peak... HERE

I am SO SO SO SO excited about this break. We are going to be all over the place seeing all of our family, but it will be worth it! Tomorrow night Steve and I are going over to my dad's house to have dinner with him and Nancy, and my stepbro and his gf are coming over, too. We're going to eat italian and I'm thinking about making a festive drink--like pumpkin pie martinis or something of the like off pinterest. We will probably just hang out, play games and catch up. THEN Thursday morning--TURKEY DAY we will go over to his parents' house to spend the day with them and his brother, sister-in-law, and niece and nephew are coming in town from Birmingham. I'm looking forward to seeing all of them since we haven't seen them since their wedding in August! Then Friday, bright and early we will be jumping in the car (with Harls--say a prayer!) to head up to Louisville, KY to see my mom's fam. I am looking forward to Steve meeting all of them--he's met poppy before, but this will be his first time meeting my aunt, uncles, and cousins.

Tonight I'm going to squeeze in one more workout before we all eat like dumpsters for the new few days...and when we get back from break, it will be time to start the pink drink! woo!

Enjoy the holiday, lovebugs!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving...or Bust!

Why is the week before a holiday such a draggggggg?

This time next week I will be:
A. Sleeping in
B. Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
C. Eating so many carbs I am already regretting it now

BRING IT ON! Today at work we're having a potlock...I've already spotted 2 HUGE crockpots full of mac and cheese, and another full of mashed potatoes. I'm going to exude so much self discipline it's probably going to annoy Heather and Michael (my work besties--why always give me a hard time about counting calories!!)

It's worth it though..Mexico in a few months! And yesterday a wonderful thing happened...my friend Jennavieve (that still works at Apex) HIT TRIP! So we will get to play together in Mexico--for FREE! Love it! I am so excited and proud of her! She went on trip before as a recruiter but this year, she made it as an account manager! Woohoo!

Tonight I'm having a date night with my friend Liz--I'm looking forward to some girl time with her! We're going to try this new restaurant in Town Brookhaven called "Shucks"...oysters! Yum!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far...finish this week strong, because next week is going to be a slow week....I'm not sure why they are even making us come into work Monday and Tuesday?!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cold Front

Well we made it to WEDNESDAY! Which is reason enough for me to celebrate...

Can we please talk about how COLD it is here in Atlanta? I was talking to one of my vendors in PA and she said they were just a few degrees colder than us!! Although, she got snow earlier this week...if I'm gonna have cold, I might as well have SNOW?! Amiright? :)

So my window in my bedroom doesn't close all the way. My landlord's reaction when I called to request a maintenance appointment? "Sarah, these buildings are 88 years old. My recommendation is to ducktape around the windows where you feel a draft coming in." Um, WHAT? Man needs to understand I can't live this way!! And our power bill is going to skyrocket! So annoying. Then, this morning, my roommate closed her door...then couldn't open it. Like the knob got stock and it won't even turn now. Our place is falling apart. And my measley little tool kit isn't going to be able to fix these things. So, I'm sure you're wondering, but I most certainly did duck tape my window last night because I knew this cold air was coming....and, I thought it worked but then again I may have just convinced myself it worked so I could sleep better. I probably wouldn't have made it through the night if it weren't for the electric blanket Harleigh and I cuddled up into!

I am going to try to go to Zumba tonight at the Brookhaven gym, but traffic gets so backed up IDK if I will make it to the 7pm class.... And if there's anything I know about the Brookhaven location, you can't get any freakin' cardio equipment until like 7:30. You honestly have to stand around and wait for someone to wrap up their workout. Every. Single. Time. I usually go to Urban Active's old location if I wanna do any cardio or weights bc there tend to be less people and/or more machines open.

Does anyone have any recipes they want to share that are a) healthy and b) made in a crockpot? It is certainly time to start putting that thing to work!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I have been struggling all day at work today...I hope that it's just exhaustion from such a great couple of days and not any sort of sickness creeping up on me. :x

Friday night, my new work friend Michael and I totally fan girled out. Haha. Our friend Rachael's boyfriend is super cool and in a band...and a GOOD band at that! (Check them out) They played at Vinyl which is a great venue to get up close to whatever band you are going to see. They played a FANTASTIC show and we took this fab pic afterwards:

Aren't we presh?

Saturday (due to my over consumption on Friday) I was pretty worthless. Steve and I watched football all day (like any other Saturday, I guess) and then we had SUPPER CLUB! How perfect that a day I am in dire need of some home cooking, we have supper club. Lucky me! :) In case I haven't mentioned it before, Steve and I are in a supper club where every second Saturday of the month, some friends hosts dinner for the rest of the group. Last month Steve and I hosted, and we did an Oktoberfest theme. We made Bavarian pretzels with mustard and beer cheese dips, as well as some delicious bratwurst that Steve made. I hate to brag (no, not really--I love to brag on him) but Steve is a wonderful cook--everyone loved our meal! This week, Scott and Beth hosted and their theme was Chilistravaganza. Let me just say that I WILL be making Beth's version of white chicken chili very soon. It was by far my favorite of the selection. They also had a turkey southwest style chili and your traditional beef chili. They even...served it in bread bowls. No, no...I didn't partake. Steve is keeping me accountable on this low-carb diet. But how cool is that? Bread bowls with different kinds of chili? I was loving it. We all hung out and watched the Alabama game with full bellies, but you better believe we had dessert at half-time. Peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream was the PERFECT finisher. (I pretended that Beth baked all of the carbs out of that--it was delicious!) Next month our supper club is going out for dinner...plans TBD, but I am already looking forward to it!

Sunday morning I hung out with the crawlers at church (I missed them last week!) and then went to the 11:00 am service. It was a really good message--Steve and I had some good conversation following the message. I think we all have those things that we justify in our minds, thinking "I just want to do this and even though it may not be the "right thing" to someone else, it's okay by me"...as long as no one gets hurt. It's human, but it was good to hear Andy call us out on this so we can be more aware and recognize that decisions we make effect not only us, but the people around us, and the people that love us.

After church, Steve and I met his parents at Houston's where I thoroughly enjoyed their veggie burger...seriously, have ya'll ever had it? It's delicious. After we ate, we headed to the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center...HOLY COW! That place is cool! I know it's surprising considering the amount of time I spend at concerts, but I had never been to Cobb Energy until last night. It's a very cool venue. The reason we were there was to see the fabulous...

The show was wonderful. Even Steve enjoyed it. He said "it's just one of those things you gotta see, right?" haha that was his way of saying it was good. He liked this part:

I think my favorite part was at the end when they were wearing the outfits covered in Swarovski crystals...BEAUTIFUL! It was a wonderful show that really put me in the Christmas spirit! When is an acceptable time to start decorating? I feel like I have this dilemma every year!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend. Today I have been totally exhausted and I feel like I've been coughing a lot, so I'm going to go home and get some rest! Gotta get back in the gym tomorrow!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Take the time...

I'm baaaaaaack. (Be honest, you're a little surprised.)

Last night my sweet friend Maddie came over and we caught up and watched the CMAs and it was so wonderful! I love catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while :)

Can we talk about how SKINNY Tim McGraw and Miranda Lambert have gotten? I gotta catch up! Holy cow..they've wittled away! And Carrie's legs...always flawless.

PS I barely made it through zumba Tuesday night...this is why I HAVE to go. New routines, lost my coordination skills and all sorts of behind...haha. But it was fun, a good work out, and you never regret that! There was a new squats routine to that Lorde song--LOVED it! "gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom..." cmon it's catchy.

While not an update of much substance, let's take it easy...I'm slowing myself back into the habit. :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

And just because this made my day, some love from a customer:

Happy Tuesday, loves! xo


So I am looking forward to getting back into my groove of blogging. This new job took so much energy...I just can't even imagine blogging at the end of the day. With that being said, I've neglected to give myself much "me" time lately because other things just kept coming up and I wanted to see my friends and sometimes you just get caught up in life, ya know? But I know that I love writing and just making myself slow down.

This job is basically non-stop from 9-6pm. I will not look at my phone ONCE--which is definitely a change of pace, but I love it. Days fly by and at night I am either POOPED or I am so excited to spend time with my friends/Steve. It won't always be this way (I keep hearing that in December this place slows down a lot) but for now it's definitely been keeping me busy.

It's ALSO been keeping me out of the gym. I know, I know. No excuses. And---NO MORE. I am getting back into my morning routine because a) I always love it when I do and b) because this girl is going to Mexico in March and refuses to look....well, like I do now. Let's just leave it at that. :)

So, be prepared to hold me accountable. You'll see more blog posts -- meaning I'm giving myself me time. And you'll hear about my workout regimen and the lack of calories I'll be consuming from now on. (Hopefully this doesn't lead to hangry posts, but I can't make any promises! haha)

Missed ya much!