Thursday, November 7, 2013

Take the time...

I'm baaaaaaack. (Be honest, you're a little surprised.)

Last night my sweet friend Maddie came over and we caught up and watched the CMAs and it was so wonderful! I love catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while :)

Can we talk about how SKINNY Tim McGraw and Miranda Lambert have gotten? I gotta catch up! Holy cow..they've wittled away! And Carrie's legs...always flawless.

PS I barely made it through zumba Tuesday night...this is why I HAVE to go. New routines, lost my coordination skills and all sorts of behind...haha. But it was fun, a good work out, and you never regret that! There was a new squats routine to that Lorde song--LOVED it! "gold teeth, grey goose, trippin' in the bathroom..." cmon it's catchy.

While not an update of much substance, let's take it easy...I'm slowing myself back into the habit. :)

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