Saturday, April 2, 2016

Don't call it a comeback.

Don't call it a comeback.

Contemplating revisiting this little booger of a blog. It's not exactly easy to revisit some of the memories I wrote about here...past relationships and what not...but it's a part of the story, so I'm not going to touch the entries. 3 years is a long time ago, I honestly feel like a different person. You know what they say - "there's beauty in the breakdown".

So here's to a new chapter. It might be a little bit of "eat pray love" but who didn't love that movie?

3 years later I'm unattached and still living (and loving) ATL. It's almost summer time and you know what that means - concerts, festivals and patio hopping a-plenty. Give me all the handcrafted whiskey cocktails you can find and let me pretend to be a food critic every now and then. Buckle up folks, I'm taking you with me!
