Friday, August 16, 2013

Career Transition

I 100% believe that God has a plan for me, including my career. I just hope that I am doing my part in applying, interviewing and researching career paths.

I have been in flux for a few months now--knowing that my time at Apex is coming to an end as they've taken a different approach to customer service. At first I was told I had a grace period until the end of the year to find something else, but today they let me know I actually don't have that time. Cue freak out.

I don't want to just take a job in order to pay the bills--I feel like I'm too old for haphazard decisions like that. I don't want my resume to be all over the place--I want it to reflect the type of loyal, hard-working employee that I am. The hard part is figuring out what I want my next step to be. Obviously you take a step up, not down. Entry level jobs? I didn't just graduate college! I feel like it's still a tough market out there and I have been so defeated lately. How do you pull yourself out of a funk like that?

So I've really been entertaining this real estate idea in my head. It blends together all of the traits and skills I feel I've been building in the past 2 years at Apex: relationship building, attention to detail, organization, general business savvy, small project planning. I feel like all of these are important to become a successful real esate agent. It seems that everyone I have mentioned the idea to are gung-ho and encouraging me to go for it. After all, I am 25. This is the time to really dream big and take risks.

I am trying to stay positive and take this time as a blessing in disguise. While I am getting the boot a bit earlier than expected, it definitely helped that they have been gracious enough to keep me on the payroll while I have tried to figure out my next step. I still don't have an "end date" per se, but I have to really ramp up my search. I am meeting with a successful realtor out of Buckhead to get her advice and guidance on Monday, so I am hoping her insight will help me decide whether or not I'm going to take the plunge.

Prayers appreciated in this time of career transition!

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